Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In Skagway, we spent the morning shopping for tacky Alaska T-shirts. Then we traveled into the mountains to go rock climbing and repeling. Getting our gear on...
Here is Adam repeling. This was an 80 foot cliff (Lydia told me that it's called a "face." I think.) It was pretty scary to stand on the edge of a cliff and lean back!
I'm sure there's a way to turn this picture, but it's easier just to tilt your head 90 degrees to the left.

I'm not really as happy as I look in this picture.

Rock climbing was harder on the body but easier on the nerves.

Where can I go now?

Shagway is most famous for the White Pass Railroad that runs all the way up to the Yukon. Old people like to ride on the train for 9 hours to see the beautiful mountains. We just took a picture in front of it.

Our Alaskan cruise was a mini family reunion. The crew included Mom, Dad, sister Lydia and David, cousins Andrew and Shannon, Patrick and Ivy, Jennifer, Uncle Bob and Aunt Sylvia. Oh..and us. Oh...and Shannon is pregnant, so Baby went as well- obviously.

Lydia and David...
Adam and Deirdre...

Patrick and Ivy...

Uncle Bob and Aunt Sylvia...

Mom and Dad...

The Stout family in really bad lighting. (Daniel and Danielle could not join us because Danielle was due to have Baby #2 while we were in Alaska. No baby yet though!)

Andrew and Shannon ( and Baby #3 )

Growing up we would have Thanksgiving at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Knoxville. We started a tradition of having a "cousins on the couch" picture everytime we got together. We even managed to get a "cousins on the couch" picture at my wedding. Anyway, this is "cousins on the beach chairs."

We try to eat outside as much as possible because the kids are a little messy. It's just been too hot lately, so this is what I deal with (times 2) at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I've simplified things by making the kids take off their clothes, then I let the dogs clean up the floor after we're done. Is that gross? Atleast I don't let the dogs clean up the kids.
One of our favorite things about moving is that our new neighborhood has a pool. I usually take the kids in the morning, and Adam takes Brock after work. The kiddos have really great tans although I bathe them in sunblock. Anyway, Brock loves to jump off the side into the water. Macie likes to climb out of the pool and dig through people's pool bags to find snacks.
Oops, these next pictures are out of order. So here is Brock leaving the pool with Joey and Averie.

Macie is showing off her six-pack abs with her stylish bikini.

Brock always sings directional comments... ie, "We're going down the stairs, goin' down the stairs..." (to the tune of Ring Around the Rosies) His favorite is: "We're going to the pool...goin' to the pool.."

Brock and Averie are practicing for prom pictures.

Don't really know how we got all of them to sit on the we took a picture.