Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The week after Thanksgiving, the we loaded the Pilot up to max capacity and went to Myrtle Beach for some R and R. We had a great time with Troy, Leslie and Sam! Here are some highlights of the trip...
I tend to idealize things in my mind. For instance, I had visions of these adorable black and white pictures of Macie smiling at the camera with the ocean waves rolling in the background. Well, Macie took one look at the sand and couldn't imagine a better snack. She would not look up for anything - and, believe me, I tried everything! So, here she is, eating sand. Yum!
What happens when one tiny bit of baby shampoo meets a jacuzzi tub...

Finally...a family-friendly chair!
Two cute boys and one cute hat!

Sam, Leslie, and Troy...

Say, "Cheese!"

Brock's favorite part of the vacation was the hotel's waterpark. He went down the slide all by himself (about 50 times!)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

One afternoon, Sam, Adam and Troy went to the Aquarium. Sam is holding his new friend. What is that?
Macie loved the pool...

...so did Adam and Brock! Brock slept so well on this trip because his Daddy wore him out in the pool!

The weather was really nice. One morning we all took a walk on the beach.

Macie didn't burn many calories on the walk.

Brock did... Soon he got bored of pushing Macie and thought he would make friends with the seagulls. They were not as friendly as he had hope.

On Saturday, we had my family over for Thanksgiving.
Mom and Macie...

Me and Macie...

Macie's favorite teething ring happens to be my necklace...yum!

Carl and Cathy with the kids...

Brock found the candy that I hid in the top of the pantry...so, he just climbed to the top to get it.
We thought we'd take a couple family pictures. Well, 30 min., 80 pictures, and two screaming children later...this is what we got! A big thanks to Cathy for taking the pictures and Carl making very funny noises to make the kids look at the camera.

This is what most of the pictures look like...

Or this...

We had two Thanksgivings at our house this year! Adam's Uncle Ralph, Cathy, and Carl came on Thursday.

Brock did his own hair..

Troy was able to spend the weekend with us. Is it just me, or does Macie look just like her Poppi?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Macie is trying to have a good attitude, but this is just torture! Peas! Yuck!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Last Sunday night, the youth group had a bonfire at the Stone's. We had lots of fun roasting hotdogs and s'mores and taking a hayride. The hayride put Macie to sleep.
Brock likes to "drive" tractors. I think he wants to be a farmer when he grows up. However, everytime he gets on a tractor, he points up and asks where the video is. He will be more of the suburban breed of farmer.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Brock and Seth switch hats.
Brock is smiling despite the fact that he can not breathe.

Brock is saying his new favorite word: "toot." He's all boy!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A few weekends ago, we went to Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville. One of my friends called it a "drive-thru zoo." We took a wagon ride through a huge field that housed hundreds of animals. The animals would come right up to the wagon and eat the food we gave them. Here we are feeding a camel.
Yes, this giraffe is really just inches from Adam and Brock!

Adam and Brock loved feeding the water buffalo, but they had to watch out for the really long wet tongue!

Brock and his new found friend.

This is sadly the first family picture we've had taken since Brock came to the hospital to meet Macie. Too bad the kids are not looking at the camera.

Having a little boy is quite exciting! Here is Macie just after Brock dumped a bag of popcorn over her head. I'm sorry I did not get a picture after he poured a cup of ice water on me and Macie...and ate a tube a toothpaste...and made his nose bleed because he stuck his finger too far up it...

Yes, Brock, most firemen carry around blankies and suck their fingers.

We're still working on table manners.

"Yahoo! Mommy put a bow in my hair! Don't I look pretty?"

Brock gives Macie a pep-talk during "tummy-time"

"I'm sorry! Am I in your personal space?"

Brock found something more exciting to watch at the football games.

Our parents swore by Johnny-Jump-Ups. That is how one survived parenthood in the 70's and 80's. Macie thought is was fun, but I have two problems with it: 1) it is difficult to get her in and out 2) Brock thinks that Macie is in a playground swing and pushes her accordingly.

Macie had a little fever, so we tried to give her some Tylenol. I'm thinking next time we'll just add it to her bottle.

The many faces of Macie Cate's first taste of rice cereal:

That wasn't that bad!